dental caries
By Edsel Cook
Biogenic dental products could rebuild teeth and cure cavities
Washington-based researchers have developed a biogenic formula that can restore lost minerals in the teeth due to wear and tear, as well as decay. The formula also rebuilds teeth and repairs dental cavities in the same way the body forms enamel tissue with proteins, according to an article on Futurity. Mehmet Sarikaya, leader of the University of Washington […]
By Ralph Flores
Natural toothpaste reduces risk of cavities: Herbal toothpaste found to raise mouth pH, reduce sugar in saliva
Not all kinds of toothpaste are equal: Some of them have fluoride and other toxic ingredients, while others help your body manage its blood sugar. Herbal toothpaste, in particular, can reduce levels of salivary glucose and improve pH levels of saliva, according to researchers from Jawahar Medical Foundation’s Annasaheb Chudaman Patil Memorial Dental College (ACPM Dental College). This can […]
By Ralph Flores
Herbal toothpaste found to have inhibitory activity on salivary glucose while increasing salivary pH
Herbal toothpaste can reduce salivary levels of glucose and improve pH levels of saliva, according to researchers from Jawahar Medical Foundation’s Annasaheb Chudaman Patil Memorial Dental College (ACPM Dental College). This can be beneficial for people with increased dental caries and those with diabetes, the team reported in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. The researchers took […]
By Jessica Dolores
Polyphenols in wine found to improve mouth health
You’ve heard about how moderate amounts of red wine is good for the heart. Now, a new study says that red wine can be good for oral health as well. Compounds in red wine can reportedly keep bad bacteria from sticking to teeth and gums. This is the result of research published in the Journal of […]
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